Retooling your Order Management System may be one requirement that you won’t be able to overlook if MiFID II applies to your firm.
Are You MiFID II Compliant? Part 3: Publish, Report or Perish
Are You MiFID II Compliant? Part 2: Impact on Non-EU Asset Managers
Are You MiFID II Compliant? Part 1: Five Areas of Focus
MiFID Who? Three Areas Where Non-EU Compliance Teams Need to Pay Attention
If you’re in compliance, specifically with a Non-EU asset management firm, you may have sat back and enjoyed the show that MiFID II produced among those firms servicing clients in the European Union. It can be hard enough to keep up with the ever-changing landscape of regulations at home, never mind keeping an eye on what goes on across the pond.
The Rise of MiFID II: Does it Apply to You?
If you work for a US Investment Management firm, you may have thought MiFID II doesn’t apply to you, it’s time to take off the party hats, and give this directive a second glance. IMP, will walk you through the highlights of the directive, and help to guide you in identifying how your firm may be impacted.
Out of Options for This Self-dealing PM
In May of 2017, it was reported that a portfolio manager for a major asset manager has agreed to plead guilty to defrauding investors in closed-end funds for which he executed option trades. One major newspaper described this as an “option scheme”. However, it may also be viewed as a scheme that was best effected by using options. There is a difference.