
Keeping the Skies CLEAR

Keeping the Skies CLEAR

There are dark clouds looming on the horizon as reports show the large-scale spread of the novel coronavirus, named COVID-19[1], out of Wuhan, China. As it stands, there are an estimated 400,000 cases globally[2], 33,000 of which have been in the United States[3]. The World Health Organization has officially declared it a pandemic[4]. Accordingly, travel restrictions have been put in place to varying degrees across the globe, and people in the most affected areas have been told to stay home and avoid crowds.

Therefore, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the world economy has been severely affected—a situation that will likely only get worse as the virus spreads. Last week, all three of the major stock market indices entered bear market territory[5]. In addition, with globalization making economies today more interconnected than ever, companies are already feeling the effects as the world’s factory, i.e. China, puts its cities on lockdown. Consumer demand is on the decline in the hardest-hit countries for certain goods, especially luxury items. Even supply issues are popping up in many communities as people rush to stock up on essential items such as groceries, toiletries, and medical supplies. And it’s not just the decrease in spending that is hurting companies, but also the disruption to global supply chains. For example, auto companies such as Volkswagen, Toyota, General Motors, Honda, and Hyundai have had to pause operations in China, and carmakers there will lose about 15% of production in the first quarter of 2020[6].



“I hate board meetings. The line for the men’s room is always too long.” A male colleague once said to me.

“Well, maybe we should have more women on the board,” I countered.

“That’s funny!” is how he decided to reply.

Well, ladies, it's 2020. The time is now to make our bathroom lines longer at work and sit at that boardroom table!

Obviously, I am kidding about the bathroom lines, but a little diversity never hurt anyone. Especially regarding compliance, diversity is critical to managing risk and decision making. Things are easily missed when everyone in the room thinks the same way. Other than that, it’s boring, ineffective, and advancements can’t be made.

Five Banks Walk into a Bar…

Five Banks Walk into a Bar…

Five banks walk into a bar, and by the end of the night they’ve racked up a $1.2 billion tab.

Unfortunately for the five banks, the outrageous bar tab is not simply the punch line of a bad joke. In May, the European Commission announced that it had fined five large, influential banks a collective €1.07B ($1.2B) for involvement in the manipulation of the foreign currency market.

The Trade Order Management (OMS) Crossroad: Which way do we turn?

The Trade Order Management (OMS) Crossroad: Which way do we turn?

In today’s markets, many small to mid-sized asset managers are realizing substantial growth for the first time in over a decade. They are finding themselves at a crossroad, facing a decision on the direction they should turn for a long-term cost effective Trade Order Management (OMS) solution. With the abundance of choices nowadays from Application Service Provider (ASP) models, SaaS (Software-As-A-Service) models, and traditional self-hosting models, the cost versus value debate has become more complex and extremely difficult to dissect. The ultimate question is:

“Should we invest more in outsourcing our software and technology support (while reducing staff, sacrificing customization, and potentially functionality), or should we own the software and technology support? “

MiFID II Across Five Areas of Focus

MiFID II Across Five Areas of Focus

The primary purpose of MiFID II is to enhance and strengthen “MiFID I.” However, MiFID II is a complicated, winding road of directives. The areas of business impacted cover everything from the investment decision, all the way to client reporting. The systems impacted span from the front to back office. To break the enormity of MiFID II for the sake of sanity, we will cover five main areas of focus.

Are You MiFID II Compliant? Part 3: Publish, Report or Perish

Are You MiFID II Compliant? Part 3: Publish, Report or Perish

There has been a great deal of confusion over trade publication and transaction reporting, and there are several differences between the two. Watch our third installment of “Are You MiFID II Compliant?” here for an overview of Trade Publication vs. Transaction Reporting presented by Jon Gold.

MiFID Who? Three Areas Where Non-EU Compliance Teams Need to Pay Attention

MiFID Who? Three Areas Where Non-EU Compliance Teams Need to Pay Attention

If you’re in compliance, specifically with a Non-EU asset management firm, you may have sat back and enjoyed the show that MiFID II produced among those firms servicing clients in the European Union. It can be hard enough to keep up with the ever-changing landscape of regulations at home, never mind keeping an eye on what goes on across the pond.

Out of Options for This Self-dealing PM

Out of Options for This Self-dealing PM

In May of 2017, it was reported that a portfolio manager for a major asset manager has agreed to plead guilty to defrauding investors in closed-end funds for which he executed option trades. One major newspaper described this as an “option scheme”. However, it may also be viewed as a scheme that was best effected by using options. There is a difference.