Asset Management

The Project Map:  The Key to Project Delivery Part 1 of 5

The Project Map:  The Key to Project Delivery Part 1 of 5

“Thank goodness that project is finally over.  We got in done, in the long run, but it was miserable.  We delivered on barely 75% of what we wanted and we ran over on time and budget.   In fact, 30% into the project we did a “re-set” so if we use that start date, we were really over.”

If you’re reading the above quote, you may be tempted to pick up the phone and call me out for revealing confidential information about your last, frustrating project.  In reality, this imaginary quote could be from anyone.

Five Banks Walk into a Bar…

Five Banks Walk into a Bar…

Five banks walk into a bar, and by the end of the night they’ve racked up a $1.2 billion tab.

Unfortunately for the five banks, the outrageous bar tab is not simply the punch line of a bad joke. In May, the European Commission announced that it had fined five large, influential banks a collective €1.07B ($1.2B) for involvement in the manipulation of the foreign currency market.

Risk Appetite Anyone?

Risk Appetite Anyone?

Is your company myopically focused on optimizing short-term financial gain?

We all want to achieve positive financial results. However, there is a growing body of evidence, supported by the continued evolution of risk management as a core business discipline, that the long view will more than likely deliver sustainable, lasting results.

The Trade Order Management (OMS) Crossroad: Which way do we turn?

The Trade Order Management (OMS) Crossroad: Which way do we turn?

In today’s markets, many small to mid-sized asset managers are realizing substantial growth for the first time in over a decade. They are finding themselves at a crossroad, facing a decision on the direction they should turn for a long-term cost effective Trade Order Management (OMS) solution. With the abundance of choices nowadays from Application Service Provider (ASP) models, SaaS (Software-As-A-Service) models, and traditional self-hosting models, the cost versus value debate has become more complex and extremely difficult to dissect. The ultimate question is:

“Should we invest more in outsourcing our software and technology support (while reducing staff, sacrificing customization, and potentially functionality), or should we own the software and technology support? “

MiFID II Across Five Areas of Focus

MiFID II Across Five Areas of Focus

The primary purpose of MiFID II is to enhance and strengthen “MiFID I.” However, MiFID II is a complicated, winding road of directives. The areas of business impacted cover everything from the investment decision, all the way to client reporting. The systems impacted span from the front to back office. To break the enormity of MiFID II for the sake of sanity, we will cover five main areas of focus.

Are You MiFID II Compliant? Part 3: Publish, Report or Perish

Are You MiFID II Compliant? Part 3: Publish, Report or Perish

There has been a great deal of confusion over trade publication and transaction reporting, and there are several differences between the two. Watch our third installment of “Are You MiFID II Compliant?” here for an overview of Trade Publication vs. Transaction Reporting presented by Jon Gold.

MiFID Who? Three Areas Where Non-EU Compliance Teams Need to Pay Attention

MiFID Who? Three Areas Where Non-EU Compliance Teams Need to Pay Attention

If you’re in compliance, specifically with a Non-EU asset management firm, you may have sat back and enjoyed the show that MiFID II produced among those firms servicing clients in the European Union. It can be hard enough to keep up with the ever-changing landscape of regulations at home, never mind keeping an eye on what goes on across the pond.

Out of Options for This Self-dealing PM

Out of Options for This Self-dealing PM

In May of 2017, it was reported that a portfolio manager for a major asset manager has agreed to plead guilty to defrauding investors in closed-end funds for which he executed option trades. One major newspaper described this as an “option scheme”. However, it may also be viewed as a scheme that was best effected by using options. There is a difference.